Sunday, November 4, 2007


A tree contributes to the mankind in the following ways.
1.Produces Oxygen worth 50Lakh Rupees.
2.Protects Air pollution to the value of 10.5 Lakh Rupees.
3.Improves the nutritive value of soil by 6.4 lakh Rupees.
4.Prevents soil errosion to the worth of 6.4 lakh rupees.
5.Gives shade & shelters to birds, animals and gives us edibles worth 5.3lakhs.
The intangible networth is from the value of the rains that we get

So the tangible benifit of a tree with a lifespan of 50years is 78.6Lakhs Rupees.

Lets plant more trees, and save our earth.

1 comment:

Ramjee said...

Boss the value of oxygen is much much more in most trees in the Tropical region where the surface area of leaf is more & broad! The trees generate 1 litre of Oxygen for every 7 cm.Sq. every day!
And 1 litre of oxygen in hospital would cost you nearly Rs.300/- Make a rough calculation on the surface area of a neem tree nearer to you...